The Planescape Sketchbook Pdf Printer
The Planescape Sketchbook Pdf Creator. 7/9/2017 0 Comments APK Gamer - Download Game Android Mod Apk Terbaru Gratis. Download Game Android Mod Apk Terbaru Gratis. APK Gamer - Download Game Android Mod Apk Terbaru Gratis. Torrent Search. combines popular torrent sites and specialized private trackers in a torrent multisearch. Drivers For Hp Deskjet 6122 Printer. Dec 16, 2012 Welcome to the Planescape Collector's Guide! The Planescape Sketchbook (1994) Lady of Pain pewter belt buckles (1994) Pewter necklaces (1994). Denizens of the Inner Planes (PDF release, March 2006) Gods List (PDF release, latest version August 2009) Web articles and downloads.

The Planescape Conspectus is basically just an ad that came with Dragon Magazine, and has no substantial new information. It's a bunch of images from Planescape products crudely Photoshopped together on a fold-out poster, with some explanations of what Sigil, the factions, and the Outer Planes are. The Planescape Sketchbook was a book of conceptual art Dana Knutson made for the campaign setting available at Gen Con one year. There might conceivably be some drawings of Sigil NPCs in it that might be indexed, but that wouldn't be useful to many people. The other sources you mention seem worth adding to the index. Off hand, I know there's at least one major Sigil NPC in the PSMCIII, and it'd be fun to add characters from the Torment novel (some of whom also appeared in Dragon #264).
I don't have the Blood War trilogy or In the Abyss, but I can do the others. I'm aware of what the Sketchbook and Conspectus are even if I've never seen either. I don't imagine that many of the remaining sources will yield many new Sigil NPCs and Locations since they're dedicated to other planes, but you never know when a throw-away quote will pop up in a Planescape product so it's best not to rule anything out without checking it first. Besides, I'd love an opportunity to flip through the sketchbook.
Does anyone have a copy? I actually have access to most of the unindexed material, the only exceptions being the Player's Primer to the Outlands boxed set, Monstrous Compendium Appendix III, Planescape Conspectus, The Planescape Sketchbook and the Torment novel. It's simply that, after working my way through the first 20+ sources, I started to lose a little steam. Brother Maintenance Usb Printer Driver Download. I figured 700+ NPCs and 250+ locations culled from all the primary Planescape sources was adequate for an initial online posting. I do intend to eventually work my way through the remaining sources (though I'm dreading tackling the Blood Wars Trilogy; reading through it once was challenging enough).
I don't know enough about Excel or Microsoft works to help you. If someone can suggest a better file format for the document then perhaps I can resave it and post it online. 'Krypter' wrote:Just one recommendation, if you don't mind: could you put the ward name in a separate column from Commonly Found? That way a GM could quickly sort the NPCs by the ward his PCs are in at the moment. Sst Canon Ir 3300. Hm. How about I simply list the ward name first in the 'Commonly Found' column? That way resorting the document will automatically group everyone by ward if possible. Since Clueless has graciously setup a page for the Sigil Map I thought I'd ask for opinions in regards to the file size and format(s) which would be of use to the most people.
The map was originally created in Illustrator (all the text is vector based) with an imported hi-res RGB Photoshop file for the background image. As is the file is 32' wide by 22' high at 300 dpi. When it came time to print it, I supplied my girlfriend with a hi-res PDF which weighed in at about 30 megabites. She printed it up on a large format inkjet printer she has access to and now I have a beautiful big full-color map of this great fantasy metropolis.