2000 Toyota Camry Timing Marks Pdf Printer

Can someone email me a picture of the timing marks on a 2000 toyota camry 2.2l engine please? - Answered by a verified Toyota Mechanic.
Installation 1. 2 idler pulley (if removed). Install and tighten bolt to specification.
See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS. Ensure idler pulley is clean and rotates smoothly.
1 idler pulley and tension spring (if removed). 1 idler pulley away from timing belt area as far as possible. Temporarily tighten No. 1 idler pulley bolt. Ensure idler pulley is clean and rotates smoothly. Using crankshaft pulley bolt, rotate crankshaft so timing mark on crankshaft sprocket aligns with timing mark on oil pump housing.
This will position keyway in crankshaft sprocket at 12 o'clock position. CAUTION: If reusing timing belt, ensure reference marks on timing belt align with reference marks placed on crankshaft and camshaft sprockets. Ensure timing belt is installed in original direction of rotation. Ensure all sprockets and idler pulleys are clean. Install timing belt on crankshaft sprocket, oil pump sprocket, No.
1 idler pulley, and then No. 2 idler pulley in sequence. Install timing belt guide with cupped side away from crankshaft sprocket and flat side toward timing belt. 1 timing belt cover and new gasket. Align crankshaft pulley key groove with key in crankshaft.
Install crankshaft pulley. Install and tighten crankshaft pulley bolt to specification. Rotate crankshaft clockwise so cylinder No. Download Game Pes Di Hp Android. 1 is at TDC on compression stroke. Ensure timing mark on crankshaft pulley aligns with '0' mark on No. 1 timing belt cover.
If reusing timing belt, ensure reference mark on timing belt aligns with upper edge of No. 1 timing belt cover. Rotate camshaft, and align hole in camshaft sprocket with alignment mark on camshaft bearing cap. Install timing belt on camshaft sprocket. If reusing timing belt, ensure reference mark on timing belt aligns with the reference mark on camshaft sprocket. Ensure tension exists on timing belt between the crankshaft and camshaft sprockets.
CAUTION: DO NOT rotate crankshaft counterclockwise, as viewed from timing belt end of engine. Download Song Sochta Hu Uska Dil Kabhi Mujhpe Aye To more. 1 idler pulley bolt 1/2 turn. Rotate crankshaft pulley 2 full revolutions clockwise from TDC to TDC. Ensure timing mark on crankshaft pulley aligns with '0' mark on No. 1 timing belt cover, and hole in camshaft sprocket aligns with alignment mark on camshaft bearing cap.
If timing marks are not aligned, remove timing belt and reinstall. Rotate crankshaft clockwise 1 and 7/8 revolutions and align crankshaft pulley '0' mark with 45 degree Before Top Dead Center (BTDC) mark on No. 1 timing belt cover. 1 idler pulley bolt to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS. 2 timing belt cover and gaskets.
Install and tighten spark plugs to specification. To install remaining components, reverse removal procedure. Install all bolts/nuts on right (timing belt side) engine mount before tightening to specification. On Camry, when installing control rod and bracket on strut tower and right (timing belt side engine mount, tighten bolts to specification in sequence. On MR2, tighten engine mount bolts in correct locations. Adjust drive belts to proper tension.