Norma Iso 10013 Version 2002 Pdf Printer

Survey Programs For Hp35. Broad Band Vibration Criteria for Specific Machine Groups Based on ISO 10816-1 ISO 10816-1 replaces ISO 2372 as a general guide outlining measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibration in typical industrial machinery. Note that although these guidelines are defined in accordance to machine classification as noted below, these guides provide a standardized starting point for evaluation.
Norma iso 19011 ultima version pdf ISO 19011: 2002 traducci. Guidance on statistical techniques for ISO 9001:2000 (ISO/TR 10017, Ed. 2.0 (2003) MOD) Any table, figure or text of the international standard that is struck through is not part of this.
Once the general classification of the machine has been identified, the application, mounting technique, and operational conditions must also be factored into the level of acceptance in applying the evaluation criteria. In application-specific installations, this guideline may be modified in accordance to application requirements. Per ISO 10816-1: Velocity measurements can be categorized as follows: Class I machines may be separated driver and driven, or coupled units comprising operating machinery up to approximately 15kW (approx 20hp). Class II machinery (electrical motors 15kW(20hp) to 75kW(100hp), without special foundations, or Rigidly mounted engines or machines up to 300kW (400hp) mounted on special foundations Class III machines are large prime movers and other large machinery with large rotating assemblies mounted on rigid and heavy foundations which are reasonably stiff in the direction of vibration. Class IV includes large prime movers and other large machiery with large rotating assemblies mounted on foundations which are relatively soft in the direction of the measured vibration (i.e. Hp-ux Iscsi Software Initiator. , turbine generators and gas turbines greater than 10MW (approx.
Epson Px660 Reset Software. 13500hp) output.