Install Mysql Php Apache Linux Mint
Linux Mint 1 (Sarah) shipped with latest Nginx version, so just fire the below command to install Nginx on Mint. Install Php With Tomcat 6. For older version of Mint users, add Nginx Repository to get latest stable version. The default Nginx web root directory is located at /usr/share/nginx/html. Indoreset C90 Indonesia Zip Epson Stylus C90 Adjustment Resetter more.
In this guide I will show you how to install a LAMP system. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. The guide is intended to help those who have very little knowlegde of using Linux. We will not cover how to install Linux the L of LAMP, because Linux Mint is already installed in your computer. Install Apache To start off we will install Apache. Open up the Terminal (Applications >Accessories >Terminal). Copy/Paste or type the following line of code into Terminal and then press enter: sudo apt-get install apache2 3.
The Terminal will then ask you for you’re password, type it and then press enter. Testing Apache To make sure everything installed correctly we will now test Apache to ensure it is working properly. Open up any web browser and then enter the following into the web address: You should see a folder entitled apache2-default/. Open it and you will see a message saying “It works!”, congrats to you! Or something like that! Install PHP In this part we will install PHP 5.
Again open up the Terminal (Applications >Accessories >Terminal). Copy/Paste or type the following line into Terminal and press enter: sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 Step 3. In order for PHP to work and be compatible with Apache we must restart Apache. Type the following code in Terminal to do this: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Test PHP To ensure there are no issues with PHP let’s give it a quick test run.
In the terminal copy/paste or type the following line: sudo gedit /var/www/testphp.php This will open up a file called testphp.php. Copy/Paste this line into the phptest file: Step 3. Save and close the file.
Now open you’re web browser and type the following into the web address. (It will show you the page that has all information about your php. If you have prior experience of installing php in some other OS, you must have seen this page.) Congrats you have now installed both Apache and PHP! Install MySQL To finish this guide up we will install MySQL. Once again open up the amazing Terminal and then copy/paste or type this line: sudo apt-get install mysql-server Step 2 (optional).
In order for other computers on your network to view the server you have created, you must first edit the “Bind Address”. Begin by opening up Terminal to edit the my.cnf file. Download Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising Ps3 Torrent on this page.
Gksudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf Change the line bind-address = And change the to your IP address. (In Linux Mint 11, terminal itself asked to the set password, But if it doesn’t follow the step 3.) Step 3. This is where things may start to get tricky. Begin by typing the following into Terminal: mysql -u root Following that copy/paste or type this line: mysql>SET PASSWORD FOR ‘root’@’localhost’ = PASSWORD(‘yourpassword’); (Make sure to change yourpassword to a password of your choice.) Step 4.