Hpacucli Download Hp
For sure you already used, or at least heard about, the HP Smartstart Kit. This especially includes the storage management part ACU: Array Configuration Utility. This tool is pretty straightforward to configure the storage and RAID volumes before installing an HP server.
Re: hpacucli for x86_64 Glad to see you are using the SDR, and yes what you describe is accurate regarding what this hpacucli package requires. Hp Psc 1350 Installation Software. Telecharger Driver Hp 3500 Mt La more. There are actually two issues in.
However did you know that these features are also available in command line? This is what hpacucli does hpacucli is usally automatically installed as part of a standard Linux installation.

[root@vmoratest1 ~]# rpm -qa grep hpacu hpacucli-9.10-22.0 If it is missing you easily download it from the HP web site: It provides several features for Smart Array and Raid Array controller configuration: • Show the current status • Create new logical drives • Add physical drives (disks) or spare drive to an array or logical drive • Change settings for either physical or logical drives as well as arrays • Remove drives • Extend a logical drive • Rescan for new controllers • Generate a nice diagnostic report The principle is to run these operations on so called targets. The tool supports several target’s types which are hierarchically classified: • Controller • Slot • Enclosure • Logical Drive • Physical Drive To start working with hpacucli, simply log in as root and run the command hpacucli: [root@vmoratest1 ~]# hpacucli HP Array Configuration Utility CLI Detecting Controllers.Done. Type 'help' for a list of supported commands.Type 'exit' to close the console.=>Then the best way to get starting with the CLI interface is to run the command help, which provides detailed information on available options and commands. =>helpCLI SyntaxA typical ACU CLI command line consists of three parts: a target device,a command, and a parameter with values if necessary.