Brother Wifi Printer Keeps Going Offline

I recently purchased a Brother HL-2170W printer and configured it for wireless so that I can print from both my desktop and notebook. I installed the printer first from my desktop, and the printer works fine - it wakes up automatically on the print command. However, on my laptop, it is perennially in sleep mode and I have to go into BR Admin to change the command from Sleep to Ready. Canon Lbp2900b Windows 7 Driver Download here. This drives me nuts. I'm using Windows XP Home for both computers.
Install Phpmailer On Windows. Impresora Hp Deskjet D1660 Descargar Software. When I do manually change modes from Sleep to Ready, the printer works just fine. Wny won't it wake up automatically like the desktop printer does? What settings can I change? Hp Hewlett Packard Laserjet 1100 Driver Windows 7 more. Thanks very much to anyone who can shed light on this. After many hours of troubleshooting, 30 minutes on hold with tech support, and 1 hour of handholding, the wonderful Brother tech support guy ('TSG') fixed my problem. Basically my machine was in 'deep sleep' or 'offline' for a long time and I couldn't wake it up. I kept trying to pair my printer with my wireless router using the WPS button, but it was never going to work.