Akun Wa Saya Gak Bisa Di Pakai Di Hp Nikia 302

English Question Translation: I tabled could not be opened. Failure; unfortunately, the system ui has stopped and how to open it?. - How to setup unfortunately, systen has stopped English Answer Translation: Before I answer your question, may I know the following? Did you root your phone? Did you change your ROM?
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Did you accidentally deleted a file on its explorer? Are you downloading many applications that you doesn`t trust?
If so, Rooting your phone Rooting your mobile phone will be exposed to many risk like files systems are not protected anymore, you can deep search all the files on your phone, if you delete one, your phone will be damaged. Changing your ROM ROMs on android phone doesn`t mean that they are all working and beautiful so if ever that you have changed your OS, some of them are broken and isn`t trustable Deletion of sensitive files It will surely damage your phone Applications Some of applications may crawl into system files and destroy it Solution for the Systemui.apk is that, you may either do a hard reset or change the broken ROM Indonesian Answer Translation: Sebelum saya menjawab pertanyaan Anda, mungkin saya tahu berikut ini? Apakah Anda membasmi telepon Anda? Apakah Anda mengubah ROM Anda? Apakah Anda tidak sengaja menghapus file pada explorer nya? Apakah Anda men-download banyak aplikasi yang Anda doesn `t trust? Jika demikian, Rooting ponsel Anda Rooting ponsel Anda akan terkena banyak resiko seperti sistem file tidak dilindungi lagi, Anda dapat mencari dalam semua file di ponsel Anda, jika Anda menghapus satu, ponsel Anda akan rusak.